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Merial  Frontline Plus For Cats - 3 Doses
Frontline Plus for cats is an effective treatment for fleas. Administered in pipette form, the medication kills fleas by spreading over the surface of the cat's skin in a 24 hour period following treatment. Because Frontline Plus flea treatment is waterproof after 48 hours following administering, it is 100% effective should your cat get wet or be bathed. The medication should be given to your cat once every month to ensure full protection against fleas. Within 48 hours all fleas will be dead. Each application of Frontline Plus will provide your cat with a month's worth of protection against fleas. Frontline Plus contains an insect growth regulator, which will kill all flea eggs and larvae that are on your cat.


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Merial Frontline Plus For Cats - 6 Doses
Frontline Plus for cats is an effective treatment for fleas. Administered in pipette form, the medication kills fleas by spreading over the surface of the cat's skin in a 24 hour period following treatment. Because Frontline Plus flea treatment is waterproof after 48 hours following administering, it is 100% effective should your cat get wet or be bathed. The medication should be given to your cat once every month to ensure full protection against fleas. Within 48 hours all fleas will be dead. Each application of Frontline Plus will provide your cat with a month's worth of protection against fleas. Frontline Plus contains an insect growth regulator, which will kill all flea eggs and larvae that are on your cat.


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Merial  Frontline Plus For Cats - 12 Doses
Frontline Plus for cats is an effective treatment for fleas. Administered in pipette form, the medication kills fleas by spreading over the surface of the cat's skin in a 24 hour period following treatment. Because Frontline Plus flea treatment is waterproof after 48 hours following administering, it is 100% effective should your cat get wet or be bathed. The medication should be given to your cat once every month to ensure full protection against fleas. Within 48 hours all fleas will be dead. Each application of Frontline Plus will provide your cat with a month's worth of protection against fleas. Frontline Plus contains an insect growth regulator, which will kill all flea eggs and larvae that are on your cat.


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Merial Frontline Top Spot for Cats (Green) - 6 + 2 Free Pipette
Frontline Plus for dogs is a topical spot-on application for the treatment and prevention of flea infestation and control of brown dog ticks, paralysis ticks and biting lice on dogs and puppies. Frontline Plus provides the most complete flea and tick protection available. Frontline Plus kills 100% of fleas and ticks within 48 hours, including many ticks that transmit dangerous diseases that can affect other pets and humans. Frontline Plus comes in pipettes containing the active substances. Frontline Plus has demonstrated a significant margin of safety for use in dogs and puppies over 8 weeks of age and in breeding, pregnant or lactating bitches. If licking occurs shortly after application, a brief period of hyper-salivation may occur due to the taste of the vehicle. Frontline Plus has a rapid onset of action and kills re-infestations with newly acquired adult fleas for at least 1 month. Frontline Plus also prevents development of flea eggs, larvae and pupae produced by adult fleas acquired for three months after treatment. ? Controls brown dog ticks and biting lice for up to 1 month. ? Prevents and controls flea re-infestation. ? Controls paralysis ticks for up to 2 weeks. ? Fast acting and long lasting.


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Merial Frontline Top Spot for Cats (Green) - 3 + 1 Free Pipette
Frontline Plus for dogs is a topical spot-on application for the treatment and prevention of flea infestation and control of brown dog ticks, paralysis ticks and biting lice on dogs and puppies. Frontline Plus provides the most complete flea and tick protection available. Frontline Plus kills 100% of fleas and ticks within 48 hours, including many ticks that transmit dangerous diseases that can affect other pets and humans. Frontline Plus comes in pipettes containing the active substances. Frontline Plus has demonstrated a significant margin of safety for use in dogs and puppies over 8 weeks of age and in breeding, pregnant or lactating bitches. If licking occurs shortly after application, a brief period of hyper-salivation may occur due to the taste of the vehicle. Frontline Plus has a rapid onset of action and kills re-infestations with newly acquired adult fleas for at least 1 month. Frontline Plus also prevents development of flea eggs, larvae and pupae produced by adult fleas acquired for three months after treatment. ? Controls brown dog ticks and biting lice for up to 1 month. ? Prevents and controls flea re-infestation. ? Controls paralysis ticks for up to 2 weeks. ? Fast acting and long lasting.


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