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Comprehensive STD Blood Test  - 

This panel includes testing for the most common sexually transmitted diseases: HIV, Hepatitis, Syphilis, Herpes, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. If you recently had unprotected sex and think you may have been exposed to an STD, Personalabs offers this low-cost online STD Screening so you can know your status and be at ease. Many people who have STDs show no symptoms at all. Early detection can prevent transmitting the disease to your partner and further development of more serious medical problems if not treated immediately.

Recommended For:
Individuals who are sexually active, who have unprotected sex with one or more partners.

Special Notes:
No special preparation is necessary prior to blood sample collection.

If you have tested positive for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and or HSV Type -2, we will automatically provide you with STD counselling and a Doctors prescription to a pharmacy of your choice for you to get STD treatment, free of charge. This service is the starting point for you receiving your STI treatment. Please note you will have to pay for the medication at the pharmacy.

We can only offer treatment prescriptions in the following states:
Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Washington DC, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Tests Included:
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen - TC - 498
Syphilis Test (RPR) - TC - 799
Hepatitis B Core Antibody, IgM - TC - 4848
HIV Screening Test (Fourth Generation) - TC - 91431
Hepatitis C Antibody - TC - 8472
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Type 2-Specific Antibodies, IgG - TC - 6447
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea by NAA(urine) - TC - 11363

Estimated Turn Around For Results:
2-10 Business Days
For an exact turnaround time for results, please contact us at Personalabs and we will contact the lab on your behalf as turnaround times vary depending on testing location or lab testing provider.


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11 Panel STD Blood Test  - 

This 11 Panel STD Test includes testing for 11 of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. This profile screens for Hepatitis A, B and C, HIV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes, Syphilis and contains a complete urinalysis.

As it is possible to have an STD and not show any symptoms, a blood test combined with a urine test is the only sure way to confirm you are STD free.

Recommended For:
This panel is recommended for those who have been sexually active in the last 3 months and wish to establish a baseline for their overall sexual health.

Special Notes:
Patient must not urinate within one (1) hour of testing.

If you have tested positive for Chlamydia, Herpes 2 and/or Gonorrhea, we will automatically provide you with STD counselling and a Doctors prescription to a pharmacy of your choice for you to get STD treatment, free of charge. This service is the starting point for you receiving your STI treatment. Please note you will have to pay for the medication at the pharmacy.

We can only offer treatment prescriptions in the following states:
Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Washington DC, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Tests Included:
Acute Hepatitis Panel - TC - 10306
Chlamydia/Gonococcus, NAA - TC - 11363
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Types 1-/2-Specific Antibodies, IgG - TC - 6447
Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1/O/2 (HIV-1/O/2) Antigen/Antibody (Fourth Generation) - TC - 91431
Syphilis RPR - TC - 36126
Urinalysis - TC - 5463

Estimated Turn Around For Results:
2-10 Business Days
For an exact turnaround time for results, please contact us at Personalabs and we will contact the lab on your behalf as turnaround times vary depending on testing location or lab testing provider.


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Comprehensive Recent Exposure STD Test  - 

This tests for recent exposure to some of the most common sexually transmitted diseases.

As it is possible to have an STD and not show any symptoms, a blood test combined with a urine test is the only sure way to confirm you are STD free.

Recommended For:
This panel is recommended for those who have been sexually active in the last 28 months and wish to establish a baseline for their overall sexual health.

Special Notes:
Patient must not urinate within one (1) hour of testing.

If you have tested positive for Chlamydia, Herpes 2 and/or Gonorrhea, we will automatically provide you with STD counselling and a Doctor’s prescription to a pharmacy of your choice for you to get STD treatment, free of charge. This service is the starting point for you receiving your STI treatment. Please note you will have to pay for the medication at the pharmacy.

We can only offer treatment prescriptions in the following states:
Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Washington DC, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Tests Included:
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen - TC - 498
Syphilis RPR (Monitor) - TC - 799
Hepatitis B Core Antibody, IgM - TC - 4848
HIV-1 DNA, Qualitative, PCR - TC - 8401
Hepatitis C Antibody - TC - 8472
Herpes Simplex Virus 1&2 IgM - TC - 90849
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea by NAA(urine) - TC - 11363

Estimated Turn Around For Results:
2-10 Business Days
For an exact turnaround time for results, please contact us at Personalabs and we will contact the lab on your behalf as turnaround times vary depending on testing location or lab testing provider.


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#  Mycoplasma Genitalium# Blood Test
# Genital Herpes# Hepatitis C
# HIV# Syphilis
# Trichomoniasis
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